
Who is Imu Sama, the real leader of the World Government?

Imu sama Le roi du monde dans one piece

Imu, the most enigmatic character in the One Piece manga, is at the heart of the mysteries surrounding the World Government. Recently presented as the true King of the World , his existence is a secret jealously guarded by the council of the Five Elders. But recent events, such as the disappearance of King Cobra and Sabo during the Reverie, hint at his influence...

Who is Imu really and what is his ultimate goal? Why does he seem to be particularly interested in Luffy ? Find out everything we know about this fascinating character who could well be the key to all the mysteries of One Piece!

Imu's First Appearance

Imu first appears in chapter 906 of the manga One Piece, The Holy Land of Marie Joie , during the Reverie arc. In a secret room of Pangea Castle, we discover a mysterious figure sitting on the Empty Throne, the supreme seat of the World Government supposedly unoccupied. Only his silhouette is visible, showing a black robe and a tall pointed crown that completely hides his face. From this shadow emerge two bright red eyes that give an even more disturbing appearance to the King of the World.

In front of him stand the 5 Elders , considered until then as the maximum authority of the World Government. But in front of Imu, the Gorosei shows total submission, kneeling before the throne. They even address him with the honorific title of "Your Majesty". This shows that Imu is hierarchically superior to them and that he seems to be the true absolute master of the organization ... even if his existence was secret.

This scene reveals a new rank of power within the World Government. Who is this secret sovereign really? What are his goals? What role will he play in the story? So many mysteries that pique the curiosity of readers and promise shattering revelations for the rest of the series.

What are Imu's goals?

Imu works in the shadows to perpetuate a global balance that is in reality a system of oppression. His goal is to keep the people divided and under control , so that they never question the authority of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons . To do this, Imu ensures that there are always conflicts and threats in all four corners of the world.

  • Pirates , whether they are simple outlaws or powerful Emperors , are tolerated or even encouraged because they sow chaos, pushing the populations to turn to the Navy and the Government for protection.
  • The Shichibukai (The Seven Great Corsairs) were another tool of division. Bloodthirsty pirates legitimized to better control their fellow pirates.
  • Even within the World Government , Imu stirs up rivalries. For example, between members of the Cipher Pol and admirals of the Navy.

As long as people are afraid and distrustful of one another, they will not unite. It is this fear that Imu cultivates, because it ensures the continuation of his absolute rule. Any threat to this status quo, such as the countries of Blanc or Ohara and his knowledge of the Forgotten Century , is ruthlessly eliminated.

Imu's power lies in a fractured world, kept in ignorance. That is why he fears the D-Clan above all else, bearers of the Will of D , for they have the power to awaken consciences and bring people together towards freedom.

Imu Sama One Piece

Theories about Imu's identity

Imu is said to be a Celestial Dragon from the Forgotten Century

  • Imu is one of the 20 founding royal families that formed the World Government 800 years ago, making him an original Celestial Dragon .
  • His status as a Celestial Dragon would explain his absolute power over the World Government and his position above the Five Elders.
  • Imu is said to have defeated Joyboy and the Ancient Kingdom to establish his reign. Since then, he has been trying to erase all traces of this past and to repress those who approach it (D-Clan, Ohara, etc.).

Imu is said to be the former ruler of Skypiea.

  • There are several elements that connect Imu to Skypiea: the parallels between Imu and Enel and the Vearth statue that is said to resemble Imu.
  • Imu is said to have been the first ruler of Skypiea before descending to Earth to form the World Government. He is said to have established the god system in Skypiea.

Imu is said to be related to the Ancient Kingdom or Joy Boy

  • Imu and Joy Boy knew each other and were close, possibly friends , before they came into conflict during the Forgotten Century.
  • Imu is said to have defeated Joy Boy and the Ancient Kingdom to establish his reign. Since then, he has been trying to erase all traces of this past and suppress those who approach it (D-Clan, Ohara, etc.).
  • Another possibility is that Imu was in love with Lili , but she chose Joyboy, triggering Imu's jealousy and hatred towards them.

Imu is said to be Nefertari Lily, Queen of Alabasta 800 years ago

  • The recent revelation about the Queen of Alabasta, Lily Nefertari 800 years ago has led to speculation that she and Imu are one and the same.
  • Lily is said to have gained immortality , possibly through the Ope Ope no Mi, and to have become Imu. Her androgynous appearance and figure resemble Lily and Vivi.

However, several elements go against this theory: Why would Lily leave a compromising letter if she wanted to erase her existence? Why doesn't Imu use the information about Pluto in Alabasta if she is Lily? Could Imu have taken possession of Lily's body thanks to the power of the Ope Ope no Mi?

Imu's origins remain mysterious, but it is clear that he is linked to the Forgotten Century and the founding of the World Government. Theories are numerous, but one thing is certain: Imu is the key to unraveling the secrets of the past and he will be the ultimate antagonist of Monkey D Luffy .

Imu's Alleged Powers

Although Imu's exact abilities remain a mystery, several theories circulate as to the nature of her powers:

  • Imu is said to have eaten a powerful Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit , possibly a Dragon model, granting him colossal strength and the ability to lift islands.
  • Imu is said to possess an overpowered Observation Haki allowing him to see the future and monitor the entire world, much like Enel with his fruit and the mantra.
  • Imu is said to have the power to command the oceans and elements, perhaps linked to the ancient weapon Uranus . He could thus swallow entire islands and nullify the powers of Devil Fruits.
  • Imu is said to have gained immortality through the ultimate Ope Ope no Mi operation performed by a previous user. This is the most popular theory to explain Imu's longevity. Some even go so far as to assume that Imu himself orchestrated the Flevance massacre in order to get his hands on the fruit and its powers.

But in the absence of official confirmation, Imu's true abilities remain one of the biggest mysteries of One Piece!

Towards the final confrontation with Luffy

Everything suggests that Imu will be the main antagonist of One Piece , the ultimate opposite of Monkey D Luffy. While the young pirate with the straw hat embodies the ideals of freedom and unity, Imu represents oppression and absolute control . Their final confrontation seems inevitable and will decide the fate of the world of One Piece.

Imu has already identified Luffy as a major threat to eliminate, tearing down his wanted poster as well as those of Marshall D Teach (Blackbeard) and Shirahoshi. On the other hand, Vivi's poster is left intact, which suggests that she could be Imu's next target. This foreshadows a conflict to come where all of Luffy's allies, the Revolutionaries and the members of the "D" will have to unite. And you, how do you see Imu evolving over the chapters?