
List of all Naruto characters

The ultimate list of Naruto characters

Lorsque Masashi Kishimoto a commencé à écrire Naruto Shippuden, il a donné à chaque ninja une histoire unique. Au-delà de Naruto Uzumaki, le héros au potentiel et à la force exceptionnelle, il existe de nombreux personnages aux capacités extraordinaires. Le monde des shinobi est tissé d'alliances complexes et de rivalités ancestrales, souvent ancrées dans l'histoire des clans. Ce qui fait de Naruto un shōnen si captivant, c'est cette diversité de personnalités qui se dévoilent au fil de l'aventure.

Cartoon Toi, invites you to discover the most emblematic characters of the 700-episode series. We'll be highlighting the ninjas who often remain in the shadow of our legendary hero, but who deserve your attention. And because everyone has their own favorite, we've prepared a quiz to find out which Naruto character most closely resembles you.

The main characters

Naruto Uzumaki: From outcast to Hokage

Naruto Uzumaki is no ordinary hero. When he was born, he inherited a heavy burden: the nine-tailed fox demon (Kyuubi) was sealed inside him. This led to his rejection by the other inhabitants of Konoha, his village. As an orphan, he grew up isolated from his earliest years, without family support and facing general incomprehension. Despite this, he is driven by an immense hope: to become Hokage. He dreams of reaching this pinnacle not only to prove his worth, but also to gain the respect and affection of his village.

From the very start of his training at theNinja Academy, it's clear that Naruto is not like the others. Full of energy and always smiling, he hides real strength of character and a big heart. Becoming Hokage is more than a dream for him. He puts everything he has into this ambition, wanting to prove his worth to those who didn't believe in him.

He faces enormous challenges, not least because of the fox demon, Kyuubi, he carries within him. But even when it seems impossible, the shinobi doesn't give up. In his fights, such as against Neji at the Chunin exam, he proves that he doesn't give up easily. Then, his quest to bring back Sasuke and his learning of Rasengan reveal a ninja determined to overcome his past.

Naruto isn't just a fighter; he's a born leader who turns his experiences and failures into strength. His friendship with the latter, full of ups and downs, shows us the importance of fighting for those we love, knowing how to forgive and overcome rivalries.

Through the arcs, he evolves from a turbulent, lonely child to a leader capable of rallying entire nations against common threats, as during the Fourth Great Ninja War. His journey is marked by acts of exceptional courage, sacrifice and valuable lessons about overcoming hardship and the importance of pursuing one's dreams.

Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke Uchiwa: Shadows and light

Sasuke Uchiwa, last survivor of the Uchiwa clan, is haunted by themurder of his family by his brother Itachi. Determined to exact revenge, he pursues a solitary quest for vengeance, putting his friendship with Naruto and Sakura to the test. Despite his cold, calculating appearance, Sasuke is deeply tormented by his past. The discovery ofItachi 's true intentions challenges his motives for revenge, forcing him to reconsider his goals and relationships.

His transformation is marked by his relationship with his friend, Naruto. This rivalry, tinged with mutual admiration and deep conflict, is crucial to his evolution. Their final battle at the Valley of the End highlights their disagreements, but also the strong friendship that binds them.

In the end, Sasuke goes from wanting revenge to looking for ways to redeem himself. After the war, he wants to know what being strong really means and what he should do as a ninja. His journey takes him fromdarkness to light, showing that he can reflect on himself and change.

Sasuke Uchiha

Sakura Haruno: Strength and healing

Sakura Haruno is a young kunoichi full of doubts, often in the background, walking in the shadow of her companions, Naruto and Sasuke. Her feelings for Sasuke initially conceal her strength. But as the series progresses, she emerges as one of the strongest and most determined ninjas of her generation.

Under the guidance of Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin, Sakura transforms, acquiring mastery of ninja medicine and notable strength. This evolution shows not only her true strength, but also her determination to no longer be a burden to her friends. She becomes essential to many missions and battles, proving that she can stand up to powerful adversaries and play a crucial role in healing her allies.

She shines with emotional strength. Her enduring love for Sasuke and strong friendship with Naruto are testament to her loyalty and commitment. Her ability to keep hope alive and fight for her loved ones complements her fighting skills admirably.

Sakura Haruno

Kakashi Hatake: The kind-hearted copycat ninja

Kakashi Hatake, with his stolen Sharingan eye and legendary calm, is one of our most iconic characters. His nickname, the copycat ninja, comes from his ability to imitate almost any technique of his opponents, a skill that makes him one of Konoha's most feared and respected ninjas. But behind his mask and detached appearance lies a tormented past and a deeply caring heart.

Kakashi was orphaned by the suicide of his father, Sakumo Hatake, an event that left a deep impression on him. But his father's lessons and values left an indelible mark on him. Later, he grew up under the tutelage of iconic figures such as Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. These experiences shape his values, despite the weight of personal trials, such as the tragic loss of his teammates Obito Uchiwa and Rin Nohara.

As leader ofTeam 7, Kakashi teaches Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura much more than just techniques. He teaches them the importance of teamwork, sacrifice and protecting loved ones. His evolution from distant mentor to father figure makes him an inspiring character.

Kakashi Hatake

Allied characters

Shikamaru Nara: The strategic mind

Shikamaru Nara

Shikamaru Nara is a member of the Nara clan, known for his intelligence and excellent, if sometimes lazy, strategies. With an IQ of over 200, he is able to predict enemy movements in advance, making him a respected leader and one of Naruto's most important allies.

His friendship with Choji and his role inTeam 10 underline his humanity and responsibility. Shikamaru represents quiet strength, proving that intelligence and strategy count as much as strength.

Hinata Hyuga: Love and determination

Hinata Hyuga

Hinata Hyuga embodies evolution through love and perseverance. Shy at first, she secretly admires Naruto, then overcomes her father's doubts. Her Byakugan gives her unique sight and the ability to see beyond surfaces. But it is above all her inner strength that defines her.

She transforms from timid to fierce warrior, playing a key role against adversaries like Pain, where her courage and love for Naruto are fully displayed. She goes from reserved to valiant, illustrating the power of heart and will.

Gaara du Désert: From monster to Kazekage

Gaara of the Desert

Gaara also starts out with a demon inside him, the Shukaku, which causes him to be rejected by his village, Suna. This loneliness initially drives him towards violence, until he meets Naruto. This friendship teaches him that he can change and use his power to protect others.

Gaara goes from being Naruto's enemy to an important ally, becoming Kazekage and a leader who works for peace. His relationship with Naruto, based on a shared experience of pain and rejection, plays a key role in his transformation. Gaara shows that redemption is possible and becomes an essential protector, contributing significantly to the Fourth Great Ninja War and the Kage Council.


Akatsuki : The dark force

L'Akatsuki est une organisation criminelle composée de ninjas renégats, ayant pour but initial de capturer tous les Jinchuriki pour exploiter leur puissance. Sous des motivations diverses, ses membres recherchent la paix, la puissance ou la rédemption. Ils sont facilement identifiables à leur emblématique manteau noir orné de nuages rouges.

Itachi Uchiwa: The hidden sacrifice

Itachi Uchiwa

Itachi is known for exterminating his clan, sparing only his brother Sasuke. As a member of the Anbu and holder of the Sharingan, his reputation as a traitor fueled Sasuke's vengeance. Itachi then joined the Akatsuki criminal organization, reinforcing his enemy image.

However, as the episodes progress, we come to understand that he was acting under secret orders, aimed at preventing a coup against Konoha and protecting Sasuke. His actions were in fact guided by a desire for peace. Despite his affiliations, his ultimate goal was the safety of his village and the well-being of his brother.

Obito Uchiwa: Betrayal and redemption

Obito Uchiwa

Presumed dead, Obito reappears as Tobi, secretly orchestratingAkatsuki's actions. He is credited with Kyuubi's attack on Konoha, for example, to carry out his Moon Eye plan. In particular, he sought to plunge the world into an illusion to put an end to conflict.

His transformation from wounded hero to instigator of war underlines the tragedy of his character, torn between memories of his past and his desire to create a world of peace... even at the cost of destructive methods.

Pain / Nagato: The quest for justice

Nagato Bread

Pain, also known as Nagato, is a key figure symbolizing suffering in the world. As head of theAkatsuki, he seeks to stop wars by imposing peace through fear, thanks to his quasi-divine powers obtained from the Rinnegan, which enable him to control life and death.

When he attacks the village of Konoha, he introduces the idea that shared suffering can lead to greater mutual understanding. His final decision to trust Naruto and his quest for peace underlines the ability to make amends and the importance of forgiveness. It shows that even the greatest antagonists can choose a path of peace.

Akatsuki characters

Orochimaru: The quest for immortality

Orochimaru is the main antagonist of Naruto's first chapter, known for his quest for immortality and forbidden knowledge. Once a respected member of Konoha's Sannin, he deviates from the normal path to explore reincarnation. His thirst to understand all the mysteries of the ninja world leads him to controversial actions, such as experimenting on humans.

Orochimaru is a true genius. He wants to acquire absolute power, going so far as to want to take over the bodies of other characters to extend his life and master numerous techniques. Despite his evil deeds, his role evolves chapter by chapter. His influence on his followers will mark the series, showing that his impact goes far beyond his mere presence.


Madara Uchiwa: All-consuming ambition

Madara Uchiwa is a legendary figure of unparalleled ambition and power. Founder of the Uchiwa, he gave the name Konoha to the anime's main village. His quest for peace turns into a desire for domination, convinced that only total power can put an end to ninja conflicts. An expert in Sharingan and Rinnegan, he is regarded as one of the most powerful ninjas of his time.

His battle with Hashirama Senju, a friend-turned-rival, marks the beginning of a historic feud. Madara, dissatisfied with a peace that is not his own, orchestrates a plan that includes his resurrection, the use of theWhite Zetsu army and the awakening of the divine tree to create a global illusion.

Madara profoundly changes the world, leading to the Fourth Great Ninja War. His impact and ideas influence history long after his death, making him one of Naruto's greatest antagonists.

Madara Uchiha

Clans and their heritage

The Uchiwa clan: A tragic destiny

The Uchiwa clan is known for its Sharingan, a hereditary gift(Kekkei Genkai) that enables them to copy opponents' techniques, predict their movements and create powerful illusions(genjutsu). Despite their advantages, they are marked by a curse of hatred, the result of a deep affection and an equally deep loss.

Figures like Madara and Sasuke Uchiwa are driven by this curse in their respective quests for power and revenge. The tragedy of Itachi, who killed his clan to prevent a coup, leaving only his brother Sasuke alive, underlines this curse. The fate of the Uchiha illustrates how love and loss can create a perpetual cycle of pain and conflict.

Uchiha clan

The Senju clan: The pillars of Konoha

Unlike the Uchiwa, the Senju clan, led by Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage, is committed to peace. The Senju, with their philosophy of unity and brotherhood, aspire to create a world where children don't have to fight.

Hashirama, with the support of his brother Tobirama, the second Hokage, went on to create one of the most important ninja villages. Indeed, their rivalry with the Uchiha led to the founding of Konoha, marking a historic effort to overcome hatred and forge a promising future.

Senju clan

The Otsutsuki clan: Architects of Chakra

The Ōtsutsuki clan plays a central role in the Naruto manga, introducing the mythology behind chakra. Originating from a distant dimension, members travel across worlds to harvest theenergy of divine trees, essential to their survival.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the ancestor of most ninja powers on Earth, is the first to consume the fruit of the divine tree, thus establishing chakra in mankind. The Ōtsutsuki's interventions, notably through antagonists like Momoshiki and Kinshiki, reveal their crucial role in the evolution of the ninja world and the perpetual quest for power.

Otsutsuki clan

The 5 Kage

The Kage are the leaders of the 5 largest villages, each bearing the title specific to his or her village. They are considered the strongest and wisest ninjas in their community, with responsibility for protecting the inhabitants. These emblematic figures play a crucial role in politics and diplomacy, especially in times of conflict.

Hokage of Konoha

Hokage Naruto

The Hokage is the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, considered the strongest and wisest ninja. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and of course Naruto Uzumaki, the Seventh Hokage, are among the most respected figures to bear this title.

Suna Kazekage

Kazekage Naruto

The Kazekage reigns over the Hidden Sand Village. This title has been borne by exceptional shinobi such as young Gaara, who, despite a tumultuous start to life as a Jinchuriki, has become a beloved and respected leader, advocating unity and cooperation with other villages.

Raikage of Kumo

Raikage of Kumo

The Raikage is head of the Hidden Village of the Clouds. Characterized by their impressive physical strength, Raikages like A, the Fourth Raikage, are renowned for their fighting temperament and determination to protect Kumo at all costs, favoring strength and speed.

Mizukage of Kiri

Mizukage Naruto

The Mizukage governs the Hidden Village of Mist. Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage, is known for her willingness to dispel Kiri' s bloody reputation and promote peace. Her fighting strength and leadership were essential during the Fourth Great War.

Tsuchikage of Iwa

Tsuchikage of Iwa

The Tsuchikage governs the Hidden Village of the Rock. Ōnoki, the Third Tsuchikage, is famous for his ability to use the Lightness and Weight technique, reflectingIwa's resilience and ingenuity. Despite his advanced age, his wisdom and power remain unchallenged.

Secondary characters



A weapons specialist, Tenten is a pillar ofTeam Guy, demonstrating the importance of technical mastery and determination. Her unique expertise inweaponry and her constant quest for improvement illustrate the diversity of ninja skills.

Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru

Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru

Embodying the union between man and his canine best friend, this duo illustrates the strength of cooperation and the unbreakable bond between partners. Their synergy in combat, combining tracking and attack techniques, underlines the importance of complementary skills.

Shino Aburame

Shino Aburame

With his unflappable calm and mastery of insects, Shino brings a unique perspective on quiet strength and strategic intelligence. He represents the power of the invisible and the unexpected, proving that unconventional methods can be devastating.

Ino Yamanaka

Ino Yamanaka

A member of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, Ino Yamanakaspecializes in mind-affecting jutsus. From love rival to medical ninja and essential communicator, her transformation illustrates personal development beyond initial rivalries.

Asuma Sarutobi

Asuma Sarutobi

As mentor to Team 10, Asuma plays a crucial role in the development of Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino. His teaching and ultimate sacrifice highlight the vital role of a mentor in the training of young shinobi.

Neji Hyuga

Neji Hyuga

Neji defies his preordained destiny in the Hyuga clan to become an exceptional ninja, proving that limits can be overcome by willpower. His evolution encourages Naruto and his companions to reconsider their own destinies. He's a model of determination!

Emblematic duos

  • Naruto and Sasuke: The most emblematic duo in shōnen, symbolizing the duality between light and darkness. Their relationship, made up of rivalry and deep friendship, is the central pillar around which the story revolves, illustrating the quest for recognition and the inner struggle.

  • Naruto et Kurama: Une alliance inattendue entre le héros et Kurama (Kyubi), le démon renard à neuf queues scellé en lui. Initialement adversaires, leur relation évolue vers un partenariat puissant, démontrant l'importance de l'acceptation et de la compréhension mutuelle.

  • Sakura and Tsunade: A mentorship that transcends the transmission of medical skills to embrace feminine strength and determination. Sakura, under Tsunade's wing, becomes a medical ninja of the first order, reflecting resilience and the power to change her destiny.

  • Shikamaru and Choji: Friends from an early age, their complicity is based on unwavering trust and loyalty. This duo perfectly illustrates the importance of true friendship, where the strengths of one complement the weaknesses of the other, creating an unshakeable synergy.

  • Kakashi and Obito: Their story is a tragedy that highlights the consequences of choices and convictions. The loss of Obito acts as a catalyst for change for Kakashi, guiding his principles and future development.

  • Jiraiya and Naruto: A mentor-student relationship that goes beyond teachings to touch on life philosophy and dreams. Jiraiya inspires Naruto not only in his techniques but also in his quest for peace, profoundly shaping his vision of the world.

  • Gaara and Naruto: Two individuals marked by loneliness and suffering, their meeting and mutual evolution demonstrate the power of compassion and empathy. Their friendship is born of their similar experiences as Jinchuriki, revealing how understanding and support can transform pain into hope.

  • Itachi and Sasuke: A tragic duo where brotherly love and duty collide, shaping Sasuke's destiny. The revelation of Itachi's true motives upends Sasuke's quest for vengeance, highlighting the sacrifices hidden behind difficult choices.

  • Rock Lee and Might Guy: This master-student duo exemplifies perseverance in the face of adversity. With their dedication to taijutsu, Guy teaches Lee the importance of determination and hard work, proving that physical limitations don't define a ninja's potential.

Which Naruto character are you?

2 commentaires



My favorite Naruto character is Neji Hyuga



I took the quiz to find out which Naruto character I am.
Result: Sasuke
Coincidentally my favorite ninja 😁

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