
Luffy's Crew: The Straw Hat Pirates

Les membres de l’equipage du chapeau de paille

In the manga One Piece, the crews sail the seas from East Blue to Grand Line, in search of the legendary treasure left by Gol D Roger. But on their way, they must face the Straw Hat crew, led by Monkey D Luffy . Bringing together the main characters of the manga, this group of pirates has become one of the most feared and sought after by the Navy.

Throughout their adventures, from the Sabaody Archipelago to the New World, the Mugiwara have had to overcome many challenges. From fighting powerful opponents to forging friendships with valuable allies, each event has strengthened their team spirit. Discover the members of this crew ready to do anything to achieve their ultimate goal: making Luffy the Pirate King !

Crew Members

Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy One Piece

฿ 3,000,000,000

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro

฿ 1,111,000,000


Nami One Piece

฿ 366,000,000


Usopp One Piece

฿ 500,000,000

To cook

Sanji One Piece

฿ 1,032,000,000


Tony Tony Chopper

฿ 1,000

Nico Robin

Nico Robin

฿ 930,000,000


Franky in One Piece

฿ 394,000,000


Brook One Piece

฿ 383,000,000


Jinbe One Piece

฿ 1,100,000,000

Monkey D. Luffy: Straw Hat

Monkey D. Luffy is the founder and captain of the crew. Originally from East Blue, he ate the devil fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi which made his body elastic. Since then, he can stretch infinitely!

Why is he nicknamed "Straw Hat Luffy"? Simply because of the straw hat he cherishes more than anything. It is a gift from Red Shanks , the pirate who saved his life and gave him his dream. This hat is the symbol of the promise that Luffy made to Shanks: to become the Pirate King.

And he intends to keep his word. He dreams of finding the One Piece , the legendary treasure of the former leader of the Roger Pirates. With his charisma, his iron will and his unwavering loyalty to his friends, Luffy has everything it takes to achieve it. Throughout his adventures, he has defeated increasingly powerful enemies: the Great Corsairs, the Emperors... Nothing can resist him!

After the Wano Country arc, Luffy has reached a new level. By defeating Kaido, he himself has become one of the Four Emperors . His bounty has exploded to reach the astronomical sum of 3 billion berries . Unheard of! Now, the whole world has its eyes fixed on this straw hat pirate who is on the way to becoming a living legend.

Monkey D Luffy

Roronoa Zoro: The Pirate Hunter

Zoro is Luffy's right-hand man . He is the very first to join his crew! He is a genius swordsman who wields three sabers with amazing dexterity. His three-blade style is unique.

He absolutely wants to become the best swordsman of all time and to get there, he trains hard, day after day. He has monstrous strength, he is a real fighting beast. On the other hand, his sense of direction is downright bad, he gets lost all the time!

But Zoro's greatest quality is his unwavering loyalty to the crew. He would give his life for his allies, without hesitation. He is one of those new wave pirates who are driving the World Government crazy. His bounty is enormous: more than a billion berries !

With his three legendary swords , Zoro cuts through his enemies like butter. Here they are:

  • Wado Ichimonji : Zoro's most precious sword. He inherited this sword after the death of his childhood friend Kuina and vowed to become the greatest swordsman in the world in her honor.
  • The Sandai Kitetsu : A supposedly cursed sword he acquired in Loguetown. Despite the curse on this blade, he did not hesitate to choose it.
  • Shusui then Enma : After defeating Ryuma, the latter bequeaths him the legendary Shusui sword, considered a national treasure of Wano. He will later agree to exchange it for Enma, Kozuki Oden's sword known for being more difficult to handle.

Roronoa Zoro

Nami: The Thief Cat

Nami is the navigator of the Straw Hat crew. Be careful with your wallet, because the young redhead has a past as a thief. She loves berries as much as she hates pirates... Well, that was before she met Luffy, who freed her from the clutches of the terrible fish-man Arlong .

Since then, she has put her intelligence and meteorological talents at the service of the crew and would like to map the entire world. In combat, Nami is formidable with her climate stick . This weapon that she created allows her to manipulate the weather. Practical on the open sea!

With a bounty of 366 million berries , Nami has become one of the most wanted pirates by the Navy. But alongside Luffy and the rest of the crew, she fears nothing and no one.

Nami One Piece

Usopp: The King of Snipers

Usopp, son of the famous pirate Yasopp , is the cannoneer and sniper of the Straw Hat crew. The young man with the long nose joined Luffy after the latter saved his village from a terrible pirate. Since then, he has put his incredible shooting skills and his ingenuity to the service of his comrades.

Usopp is a valiant warrior of the seas and is inspired by the giants of Elbaf that he admires so much. Despite his fearful nature, he draws immense courage from within himself when his companions are in danger. With Nami, he is the brains of the crew . His inventions, like his slingshot Kabuto, are formidable!

Thanks to his exploits, Usopp has built up quite a reputation. Under the name of Sniperking, he is feared throughout the world. His bounty has now reached 500 million berries . Not bad for someone who is considered a compulsive liar in his village!

Usopp One Piece

Sanji: The Black Leg

Sanji is the crew's cook . This blond guy in a suit is a real gentleman with the ladies. But watch out for his devastating kicks! Sanji only fights with his legs to preserve his hands, his precious chef's tools.

He has only one obsession: Finding All Blue , a legendary sea where all the fish in the world are said to be found. A true paradise for this passionate cook! But he never hesitates to put his dreams aside to help his friends. His loyalty and big heart are admirable.

Behind his twisted eyebrow hides a heavy past. Sanji is actually the third son of the Vinsmoke family, a fearsome mercenary dynasty from the North Blue. However, he turned his back on these heartless beings who mistreated him as a child. Today, his real family is the crew.

With a bounty of over a billion berries , Sanji has become one of the most wanted pirates. But that won't stop him from cooking delicious meals for the crew! After all, it's his way of protecting them and making them stronger.

Sanji One Piece

Tony Tony Chopper: The Cotton Candy Lover

Tony Tony Chopper is the crew's ship's doctor. Thanks to the Hito Hito no Mi devil fruit he ate, this little reindeer can transform into a human or a half-human half-animal hybrid... So cute!

Like his mentor, Doctor Hiluluk, Tony Tony dreams of being a doctor who can cure all diseases. And despite his young age, he is already super talented.

With his multiple forms, like Kung Fu Point or Monster Point , he also knows how to fight alongside Luffy. However, the World Government doesn't seem to take him seriously... His bounty is only 1,000 berries , they only see him as the crew's mascot! What an insult to our favorite reindeer. Fortunately, his friends know how to recognize his true talent.

Chopper is the heart and soul of the crew, always ready to heal the wounded. His intelligence and compassion are matched only by his courage when his companions are in danger. A true Mugiwara, despite his cute appearance!

Tony Tony Chopper One Piece

Nico Robin: The Demonic Child

Nico Robin is the crew's genius archaeologist . This mysterious young woman is the only survivor of the island of Ohara, destroyed by the World Government. And since she was 8 years old, she has been relentlessly hunted because of her unique gift: reading the Poneglyphs, ancient steles recounting the Forgotten Century.

Robin dreams of uncovering the secret of this erased period of history! After being saved by Luffy at Enies Lobby, she joins his crew, finally finding a family. Her devil fruit , the Hana Hana no Mi, is formidable. It allows her to hatch parts of her body endlessly! Imagine giant arms or hundreds of eyes spying on you...

With a bounty of 930 million berries , Robin is one of the most wanted pirates by the World Government. But this big-hearted scholar is much more than that. She is a valuable member of the crew, a loyal friend who watches over her comrades. And her quest for the Poneglyphs will be crucial to reaching the One Piece.

Nico Robin One Piece

Franky: Cutty Flam

Franky is the genius carpenter of the Straw Hat Pirates. This eccentric blue-haired cyborg was the leader of the Franky Family, a gang of wreckers in Water Seven. But after a crazy fight against Luffy, he ended up joining his crew.

He is the one who built the Thousand Sunny, this ship full of gadgets and weapons of all kinds, like the powerful Gaon cannon in the figurehead.

But Franky himself is a walking weapon! After a serious accident, he transformed himself into a cyborg using scrap metal. His body is a real box of surprises. He can shoot laser beams, rockets, breathe fire and even transform into a giant robot! Despite his tough guy looks, Franky is a big sentimentalist who cries easily.

With a bounty of almost 400 million berries on his head, Franky has become one of the most wanted pirates. But this brilliant inventor with a big heart is above all an indispensable asset to Luffy's crew. His talents have allowed the Straw Hats to venture ever further down the Grand Line road.

Franky One Piece

Brook: The Soul King

Brook is the crew's musician... But be careful, not an ordinary musician. He's a living skeleton ! Yes, he was brought back to life thanks to the Yomi Yomi no Mi devil fruit after his death 50 years ago.

He wants to find Laboon at all costs, the giant whale he left at Cape Twins with a promise: to come back to see her after having sailed around the world. Brook is determined to keep his promise, even half a century later! That's the class of a skeleton gentleman.

Despite his frightening appearance, Brook is a formidable swordsman and a talented singer. With his violin and his jokes, he sets the mood on board the ship! Since he joined Luffy after the Thriller Bark arc , nothing can stop him. The cherry on the cake is that Brook has become a real star with a bounty of 383 million berries !

Brook One Piece

Jinbe: The Paladin of the Seas

Jinbe is the helmsman of the crew. Despite his impressive size, he is an absolute master of fish-man karate. With his devastating techniques and powerful Haki, he sends his enemies flying!

He would like fishmen and humans to live in harmony, as Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime wished. That's why he accepted the title of Grand Corsair, to bring the two races closer together. But his heart remained loyal to his friends.

Jinbe fought alongside Luffy during the Marineford Summit War. After many adventures, he finally officially joined the Mugiwara in Wano. Luffy couldn't have asked for a better fishman to help him become the Pirate King.

With a bounty of over a billion berries, Jinbe is a valuable asset aboard the Thousand Sunny. His experience, strength, and strategic thinking are invaluable. But more than anything, it is his wisdom and kind heart that make him a valuable member of the crew.

Jinbe One Piece

The Crew's Allies

Here is a more complete list of the Straw Hat Crew's main allies:

  • Nefertari Vivi : Princess of Alabasta, she sailed with the crew throughout the Alabasta arc. Even though she remained in her kingdom at the end, Luffy still considers her an honorary member.
  • The Straw Hat Grand Fleet : Composed of 7 pirate crews totaling over 5,600 men, they swore allegiance to Luffy after helping him defeat Doflamingo during the Dressrosa arc.
  • Trafalgar Law : Captain of the Heart Pirates, he allied with Luffy in Punk Hazard to fight Kaido and accompanied him to Dressrosa then to Wano Country.
  • The Minks and the Kozuki Family : They joined the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance in Zou to liberate the country of Wano from Kaido alongside the Mugiwara.
  • Boa Hancock : Pirate Empress and former Corsair, she helped Luffy infiltrate Impel Down and then Marineford.
  • Sabo and the Revolutionaries : Luffy's adoptive brother rescued him in Dressrosa and promised his help.
  • Shirahoshi and the Ryugu Kingdom : Luffy protected and freed them from the threat of Hody Jones at Fish-Man Island.
  • Bartolomeo , Cavendish, and the Dressrosa Gladiators : They fought alongside the crew to defeat Doflamingo and liberate Dressrosa.
  • Momonosuke Kozuki and the Nine Red Scabbards : The crew helped them reclaim Wano Country from Kaido

The Crew's Ships

Vogue Merry

Vogue Merry

The Going Merry is where it all began for Luffy and his gang! This small caravel-type ship was given to the crew by the sweet Kaya after the Syrup Village arc. With its sheep-shaped figurehead, the Going Merry looks great. It's a real gem designed by Merry himself.

During unforgettable adventures, the Going Merry crossed the East Blue and part of the Grand Line with our heroes. From the Arlong Park arc to the epic battle of Enies Lobby , it faced storms and dangers without fail.

But very damaged, he will eventually give up the ghost after having miraculously saved the crew. Quite a symbol! His soul, the Klabautermann , even appeared to say goodbye. A moving moment...

Thousand Sunny

Thousand Sunny

After the loss of the Merry, the pirates needed a new companion to match their ambitions. That's where Franky comes in and builds them a little gem: the Thousand Sunny ! With its impressive lion figurehead, majestic sails and 56 meters high, the Sunny is a real eye-catcher.

This beautiful baby is packed with incredible gadgets and equipment designed by Franky. A giant aquarium, special cannons, a revolutionary propulsion system called Coup de Burst , an indoor garden and even a lookout with a panoramic view

The Sunny is the dream ship for any self-respecting pirate. Since the Post-Enies Lobby arc, it has proudly carried the Straw Hat crew on their quest for One Piece. Their adventure has only just begun!

Learn more about pirate crews in One Piece: