
The cult characters of the Simpsons

les 6 personnages les plus droles des Simpson

Who doesn't know the cult characters of The Simpsons ? This crazy family of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and little Maggie has been the highlight of the series for over 30 seasons. Created by the genius Matt Groening, the crazy adventures of these heroes are the highlight of Springfield.

But beyond the Simpson family , the series is full of equally funny characters. From Krusty the Clown to Apu to Mr. Burns , each of their appearances brings a touch of humor to the episodes. Discover or rediscover them all!

The Simpson Family

In the small town of Springfield, lives a rather atypical family: the Simpsons. Behind their pretty suburban house hides a joyful mess... Meet these colorful characters!

Homer Simpson: The Clumsy Father

When you think of the caricature of the average American , it's hard to do better than Homer Simpson! This father combines all the clichés: lazy, not very smart, pot-bellied and so on. During the day, he drags his feet at the Springfield nuclear power plant, under the orders of Mr. Burns.

His evening routine? Slouching in front of the TV, downing a few Duff beers and wolfing down endless donuts . You must not disturb him during his American football game, or you will hear him utter his famous "D'oh!" And when he is not at home, there is a good chance that he is at Moe's bar with his friends Carl, Lenny and Barney.

But behind his air of an eternal irresponsible and selfish child, Homer loves more than anything his wife Marge and his three children , Bart, Lisa and little Maggie. His favorite pastime? Annoying his yes-man neighbor Ned Flanders, his complete opposite... He can't help it!

Homer Simpson

Marge Simpson: The Mother Hen

If Homer embodies the basic American, his wife Marge represents the perfect housewife of the 50s . Recognizable by her eternal blue hair, she is an intelligent and generous woman. Despite her broken voice and the incessant nonsense of her husband and her son Bart, she always keeps her calm. Homer and Marge have been together since high school, she is used to it by now!

This devoted stay-at-home mom takes care of everything: housework, raising the kids, and even a little job from time to time. Her dream? For her family to be united and happy. But with such an airheaded Homer, she often feels like she's raising a fourth child ! Marge, however, remains unfailingly optimistic and unwaveringly devoted to her loved ones.

Marge Simpson

Bart Simpson: The terrible child

If you have a child at Springfield Elementary School, beware of Bart Simpson! This 10-year-old prankster, a skateboarding fanatic, is the terror of teachers and the nightmare of Skinner , the principal. With his best friend Milhouse , Bart gets into mischief and gets detention.

But behind his rebellious exterior lies a tender heart. Bart loves to make people laugh, just like his idol, Krusty the Clown . Over the seasons, we've seen him save Sideshow Bob from an avalanche or help his father keep his job. Despite all his antics, family comes first for this endearing teenager. And who hasn't dreamed of having a little bit of Bart in them when they were little?

Bart Simpson

Lisa Simpson: The Gifted One

In the Simpson family, Lisa is an alien! This 8-year-old girl, a model student at Springfield Elementary School, is incredibly intelligent. When she's not reading, she plays the saxophone like a pro.

But Lisa isn't just a brain on legs. She's also a staunch idealist , always ready to fight for her beliefs. Remember the time she decided to become a vegetarian to defend animals! Or when she started a movement to save the rainforests?

Luckily, her little brother Bart is there to bring her back down to earth from time to time. Even though she often argues with her prankster brother , Lisa adores him deep down. One thing is for sure, this little girl has a future!

Lisa Simpson

Maggie Simpson: Never without her pacifier

Maggie is a real enigma! This tiny girl with the famous pacifier never says a word . However, behind her big innocent eyes hides a rare intelligence.

Maggie observes everything that happens around her with great calm . Nothing seems to surprise her, whether it's the nonsense of her brother Bart or the antics of her father Homer. Besides, she has already saved the latter from a few perilous situations... Notably the time when the mafia wanted to kidnap him.

Despite her very young age, Maggie shows a lot of maturity . Who knows what's going on in that little head? One thing's for sure, this mute child has brains! Maybe she'll become the next genius of the family?

Maggie Simpson

Abraham Simpson: Grumpy Grandpa

Abraham Simpson is the patriarch of the family, residing at the Springfield retirement home . This doting veteran doesn't mince his words!

Grandpa Simpson spends his time grumbling and rehashing old stories from his time. "In my day, it was better!" we hear him repeat constantly . His incredible memories of his youth or of the Second World War are often far-fetched.

But Grandpa loves to tease his grandchildren Bart, Lisa and Maggie when they come to visit him. And he doesn't hesitate to cover for them when they get into trouble! Despite his great age, this grandpa is still quite the phenomenon.

Abraham Simpson

The people of Springfield

But the Simpson family isn't the only one bringing the town to life. Springfield is full of characters who are just as crazy and endearing. From the grumpy bartender to the evil boss, to the neighbor who's a little too nice, here are the must-see characters!

Barney Gumble: Homer's best friend

Barney Gumble

Barney is the resident alcoholic at Moe's bar! This former soldier spends his days sipping beer after beer, slumped over the bar. When he's not wasted as a slob, Barney hangs out with his friends Homer, Lenny and Carl. Together, they get up to mischief and mischief worthy of 10-year-olds.

Despite his bottle problem, Barney remains an endearing character and loyal in friendship. After all, who doesn't have a little Barney in them?

Ned Flanders: The (too) nice neighbor

Ned Flanders

Ned Flanders, the perfect and candid neighbor , is the antithesis of Homer Simpson. This devout Christian first lived with his wife Maude, then remarried Edna Krabappel. He spends his time gardening and going to church.

Despite all his efforts to be irreproachable, Ned annoys Homer who never misses an opportunity to bother him. At the same time, we understand, his "Salit Salut cher voisinou!" would drive anyone crazy...

Yet, behind his good guy facade, Ned hides some secrets that are disturbing to say the least. A little mystery in this too-smooth world is good! He and Edna must have their own little secret garden.

Moe Szyslak: The Bartender

Moe Simpson

Moe is the depressed owner of the seediest bar in Springfield . Behind his counter, this grumpy, balding man serves his regulars a pint that is far too bitter. When Homer and his cronies are not there to bother him, Moe broods over his loneliness as a confirmed bachelor ... His rare love affairs never last long.

Yet, despite his grumpy nature, Moe remains an endearing man who sometimes has some nice surprises in store. Like when he helped Homer and his gang realize their dream of forming a rock band !

Seymour Skinner: The school principal

Seymour Skinner

Principal Skinner is Bart Simpson's worst nightmare ! His past as a prisoner of war in Vietnam has shaped his strict and authoritarian character. We understand better why he spends his time chasing Bart to stick to him.

Skinner wants his school to be a model of discipline. Unfortunately, his overbearing mother, Agnes , an ex-military, keeps getting involved in everything! And to top it all off, he's secretly in love with Mrs. Krabappel , Bart's mistress.

The Principal, however, sometimes lets a glimpse of a heart of gold... A man full of surprises!

Montgomery Burns: The Evil Boss

Mr Burns Simpson

Mr. Burns is the richest and most powerful man in Springfield. This little old man from another century runs the nuclear power plant with an iron fist. Accompanied by his faithful lackey Smithers , Burns spends his time plotting to increase his profits even more. The well-being of his employees is the least of his worries... and even more so when it comes to Homer !

Behind his frail appearance hides a formidable businessman, ready to do anything to preserve his empire . Even to release the Springfield Ripper to get rid of his enemies... A real cartoon villain.

Secondary characters

The universe created by Matt Groening would not be complete without its secondary characters, as wacky as they are indispensable! From Bart and Lisa's friends to other offbeat characters, here are the other heroes who enrich each episode.

Bart's friends: Milhouse, Nelson and Ralph

Bart Simpson would be nothing without his gang of friends at Springfield High School! His best friend is Milhouse Van Houten , the naive little guy who follows him around like a puppy in all his schemes. With his glasses, his spiky blue hair and his beak-shaped nose, Milhouse is a pitiful sight. But the poor guy is secretly in love with little Lisa!

Nelson Muntz , for his part, is the little bully of the playground. This arrogant brat with a crew cut takes a malicious pleasure in tyrannizing others with his fists. When he snickers with his toothless laugh, it's because someone is going to get hurt again!

And what about Ralph Wiggum , the commissioner's son? The caricature of the innocent child ! But he is also pure of heart, in the innocent nunuche kind.

In short, a hell of a bunch of teenagers who give Skinner a hard time!

Milhouse Nelson and Ralph

Lisa's friends: Martin and twins Sherri and Terri

At school, Lisa hangs out with Martin Prince , the top of the class. This little genius with glasses and a yellow sweater is admired for his IQ, but also teased by bullies. Fortunately, he can count on Lisa, his ally in the love of knowledge!

Lisa also suffers from the mockery of the twins Sherri and Terri . These two little rascals with purple hair and blue dresses never miss an opportunity to annoy her. But Lisa knows how to deal with these pests, she who is the smartest of the group!

Martin Prince Sherri and Terri

Springfield Authority: Commissioner Wiggum and Mayor Quimby

In Springfield, law enforcement and political power are in pretty good hands! On one side, we have Commissioner Clancy Wiggum, the worst cop ever . He'd much rather gorge himself on donuts in front of the TV than hunt down bad guys. Luckily, his son Ralph is there to bring him back down to earth!

As for Mayor Joe Quimby , he is a crooked politician like they don't see anymore. This eternal seducer in a blue suit and tricolor scarf spends his time scamming voters and cheating on his wife. The John Kennedy of the 2000s!

Between Wiggum's gross incompetence and Quimby's shameless corruption, one wonders how Springfield is still standing. But maybe that's what makes this crazy town so charming!

Quimby and Wiggum in the Simpsons

Atypical characters: Apu, Krusty and Professor Frink

In each episode, there are adventures in Springfield, but what would the city be without Apu , the owner of the Kwik-E-Mart? This little guy from India with his turban and apron hides a doctorate in computer science! An honest worker, he is also the father of eight children with his polygamous wife. A real phenomenon!

What can we say about Krusty the Clown , Bart's idol? Behind his grotesque clown looks hides a real antihero. Behind his grotesque clown looks, he hides a prankster and blundering side. Krusty makes children laugh as much with his acts as adults with his antics worthy of an old joker. His problems of the heart and money amuse everyone!

As for Professor Frink , this crazy scientist brings a welcome breath of madness to Springfield with his crazy inventions. With his messy gray hair, crazy glasses and bow tie, he is the very embodiment of crazy genius.

Apu Krusty and Frink in the Simpsons

The Simpsons are a reflection of society

In the end, The Simpsons are much more than caricatured characters . They reflect the flaws, dreams and contradictions of modern American society. From Homer the basic American to Marge the housewife, Bart the rebel or Lisa the idealist, each one represents an archetype.

But isn't there a bit of us in these heroes? Are we really that different from this crazy family? Tell us what you think in the comments. By the way, who is your favorite character?