
List of all Biju in Naruto

Les Biju dans Naruto

In the Naruto anime and manga, the Bijû occupy a central place, weaving their legend through the clans of the ninja villages . These colossal creatures, endowed with immense chakra , have shaped the history of the shinobi world. From Konoha to Suna , the Bijû have influenced the destiny of the greatest clans of Naruto, notably through their Jinchuriki , these humans chosen to carry within them the power of a tailed demon. But what are these Bijû really?

Where do they come from and what role do they play in the balance of ninja power ? Let's uncover the mystery of these legendary entities that have captured the imagination of fans around the world.

The Origin and Nature of the Biju

The Biju are legendary creatures at the heart of the Naruto universe. Their history goes back to the very origins of the ninja world and is closely linked to the birth of chakra . Let's discover together the essence of these mythical beings and their creation.

What is a Biju?

A Biju, or Tailed Beast , is a colossal entity composed of pure chakra . These creatures possess immeasurable power and are often inspired by Japanese folklore. Each Biju is distinguished by the number of tails it possesses, ranging from one to nine.

Biju are sentient beings with unique personalities. Their chakra is so dense that it grants them a physical form , usually that of a mythical animal. Despite their sometimes monstrous appearance, Biju are neither good nor evil by nature.

The Legend of the Sage of Six Paths and the Jubi

The story of the Biju begins with the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo of the Ōtsutsuki clan . This legendary figure faced a terrifying creature called the Jūbi, or "Ten-Tailed Demon". The Jūbi was considered the progenitor of chakra and was linked to the birth of shinobi.

To end the Juubi's reign of terror, the Sage of Six Paths used a powerful technique. He sealed the Juubi's body in the moon and divided its chakra into nine separate entities. These entities became the Biju we know.

The Creation of the Nine Biju

After defeating the Juubi, the Sage of Six Paths created the nine Biju from its chakra. Each Biju was given a portion of the Juubi's power, as well as a unique personality and abilities . The Sage considered them his children and hoped that they would live in harmony with humans.

    This division of the Juubi's power was intended to maintain balance in the ninja world. Unfortunately, the power of the Biju quickly attracted the greed of humans , marking the beginning of a long history of conflict.

    The Biju in Naruto

    The Nine Biju and Their Powers

    The Biju are unique creatures, each with extraordinary abilities. Their power varies depending on the number of tails they possess. Let's discover together these nine legendary entities and their specific powers.

    Shukaku (Ichibi): The one-tailed tanuki

    Shukaku appears as a giant sand tanuki. His primary power is sand manipulation , which he uses to attack and defend himself. Shukaku can create devastating sandstorms and harden his body to resist attacks.

    This Biju is also known for its influence on its host's sleep. It can cause insomnia and even take control of its Jinchuriki's body while they sleep.


    Matatabi (Nibi): The cat with two tails

    Matatabi resembles a gigantic blue cat surrounded by black and blue flames. His main affinity is fire , which he can manipulate at will. Matatabi's flames are particularly powerful and difficult to extinguish.

    This Biju possesses exceptional agility and can move at great speeds. Its feline nature also grants it sharp reflexes and excellent night vision.


    Isobu (Sanbi): The Three-Tailed Turtle

    Isobu takes the form of a huge three-tailed turtle. His body is covered in an extremely durable shell , capable of repelling most attacks. Isobu excels in water manipulation and can create powerful whirlpools.

    This Biju also possesses the ability to hide in fog , making him nearly invisible. He can also generate illusions to disorient his opponents.


    Son Goku (Yonbi): The Four-Tailed Monkey

    Son Goku resembles a large red ape with four tails. He masters the element of lava , combining fire and earth. Son Goku can spit lava balls and create rivers of magma.

    This Biju also possesses impressive physical strength and great intelligence. It can use formidable hand-to-hand combat techniques.

    Son Goku in Naruto

    Kokuô (Gobi): The five-tailed dolphin-horse

    Kokuō has the appearance of a white horse with a dolphin's head and five tails. He possesses the ability to manipulate steam and can create jets of burning steam. Kokuō is also able to move quickly on land and in water.

    This Biju is known for his calm nature and wisdom. He can use his powers to heal and purify .


    Saiken (Rokubi): The Six-Tailed Slug

    Saiken takes the form of a huge white slug with six tails. His main power lies in the production of corrosive substances . He can spit acid and create clouds of toxic gas.

    This Biju also possesses the ability to split itself into smaller parts , making it difficult to fight. Saiken can also use its secretions to heal or strengthen his allies.


    Chômei (Nanabi): The seven-tailed beetle

    Chomei resembles a gigantic seven-tailed beetle. He is the only Biju capable of flight thanks to his insect wings. Chomei can create sticky webs and paralyzing powders.

    This Biju is also capable of manipulating wind , creating powerful gusts. Its shell provides excellent protection against physical attacks.


    Gyûki (Hachibi): The Eight-Tailed Bull-Octopus

    Gyûki has the appearance of a hybrid between a bull and an octopus with eight tentacles. He possesses colossal physical strength and can use his tentacles as weapons. Gyûki masters the element of ink, which he can project to blind his enemies.

    This Biju is renowned for its intelligence and ability to work as a team with its Jinchuriki. It can also regenerate quickly if injured.


    Kurama (Kyûbi): The Nine-Tailed Fox

    Kurama is the most powerful of the Biju , taking the form of a giant nine-tailed fox. His chakra is so dense that it can be toxic to unprepared humans. Kurama can create devastating shockwaves simply by waving his tails.

    This Biju has an affinity with fire and can throw massive fireballs. Its regeneration is exceptional , and its raw power exceeds that of all other Biju combined.


    The Role of the Biju in the Story of Naruto

    The Biju have played a central role throughout Naruto's story. Their immense power has shaped the ninja world, influencing conflicts and alliances between villages. Let's find out how these legendary creatures have impacted the course of events.

    Biju as weapons of hidden villages

    Ninja villages quickly realized the military potential of the Biju . Each village sought to capture and control these creatures to strengthen its power. The Jinchuriki, humans who served as hosts to the Biju, became major strategic assets.

    Konoha, for example, sealed Kurama within Naruto to protect the village. Suna used Shukaku as their ultimate weapon, sealing him within Gaara. This militarization of the Biju created a precarious balance between the nations, each fearing the power of the others.

    Akatsuki's Hunt for the Biju

    The criminal organization Akatsuki upset this balance by launching a systematic hunt for the Biju . Their goal was to capture all nine Biju to fulfill their plan for world domination. This hunt endangered the Jinchuriki and destabilized relations between the villages.

    The Akatsuki managed to capture several Biju, extracting them from their hosts at the cost of the latter's lives. This common threat pushed the villages to cooperate to protect their Jinchuriki , most notably Naruto and Killer B.

    The Importance of the Biju in the Fourth Great Ninja War

    During the Fourth Great Ninja War, the Biju played a crucial role. Madara Uchiha and Obito sought to unite all the Biju to resurrect the Juju and implement the Moon Eye Plan. This threat united the five great ninja countries against a common enemy.

    The Jinchuriki, particularly Naruto and Killer B, became central figures in the war . Their mastery of the Biju's power was instrumental in many battles. Naruto and Kurama's cooperation in particular marked a turning point in the war.

    Eventually, the Biju were freed and fought alongside the ninja against Madara and Kaguya. This unexpected alliance between humans and Biju was crucial in saving the ninja world, showing that cooperation was possible between these entities once considered monsters.

    The relationship between the Biju and their Jinchuriki

    The relationship between the Biju and their human hosts, the Jinchuriki, is complex and often tumultuous . This forced symbiosis has shaped the destinies of many characters in the Naruto universe. Let's explore the different aspects of this unique relationship.

    The Sealing of the Biju

    The process of sealing a Biju within a human host is a complex and dangerous technique . Each village has developed its own sealing methods, tailored to the Biju in question. The seal must be powerful enough to contain the creature, while still allowing the Jinchuriki to access its power.

    Sealing is usually performed on newborns or young children . This practice allows the host's body to better adapt to the Biju chakra. However, it places a heavy burden on the child, who often grows up isolated and feared by those around him.

    Biju-Jinchuriki Cooperation

    The relationship between a Biju and their Jinchuriki evolves over time . Initially, most Biju feel hatred towards their host, viewing them as a prison. This animosity can make controlling the Biju's power difficult and dangerous for the Jinchuriki.

    However, some Jinchuriki manage to establish a relationship of trust with their Biju. This cooperation allows for more efficient and less risky use of the Biju's chakra. The Jinchuriki can then access partial or complete transformations, greatly increasing his power.

    Special cases: Naruto and Kurama, Killer B and Gyûki

    Two examples perfectly illustrate the positive evolution possible between a Biju and his Jinchuriki: Naruto with Kurama, and Killer B with Gyûki.

    Naruto and Kurama started out with a conflicted relationship. Kurama, filled with hatred, constantly tried to take control of Naruto. Over time, through his persistence and empathy, Naruto gained Kurama's trust . Their partnership became so strong that they were able to fuse their chakras, reaching an unmatched level of power.

    Killer B and Gyûki , meanwhile, developed a friendly relationship from the start. Killer B treated Gyûki with respect, quickly gaining his trust. Their harmonious cooperation allowed them to master advanced techniques, such as the full transformation into a Biju, without the risk of losing control.

    These two examples show that, despite initial challenges, a positive relationship between a Biju and his Jinchuriki can lead to extraordinary power and mutual enrichment . They also illustrate the importance of understanding and respect in forming bonds, even between seemingly incompatible beings.

    Naruto and Kurama

    A special bond with the Jinchuriki

    The Biju have become much more than just mythical creatures, becoming characters in their own right in the Naruto universe. Their evolution from mere weapons to valuable allies reflects the central themes of the series: mutual understanding and the power of friendship. Their story invites us to reflect on the nature of power and prejudice. As the world of Naruto continues to expand, we can only wonder what role these fascinating beings will play in the future adventures of the ninja.

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