
List of all One Piece characters

List of One Piece characters

Lorsque Eiichiro Oda a lancé One Piece, il a créé un véritable monde maritime avec des pirates tous plus marquants les uns que les autres. Parmi eux, Monkey D. Luffy, le capitaine au chapeau de paille dont le rêve est de devenir le Roi des Pirates. Mais l'univers de One Piece ne se limite pas qu'au personnage principal. Il regorge de personnages aux pouvoirs et à la personnalité uniques. Entre amitiés, trahisons et batailles légendaires qui passionnent les fans depuis plus de 20 ans.

Cartoon Toi vous invite à découvrir les personnages les plus emblématiques de One Piece. Nous vous présenterons non seulement les héros mais aussi ceux qui, dans l'ombre de Luffy, jouent des rôles cruciaux. Vous pourrez nous dire en commentaire quel est votre personnage préféré de la série ! 

One Piece's main characters

Monkey D. Luffy : Straw hat

Monkey D. Luffy est personnage principal charismatique de One Piece, avec le rêve dévorant de devenir le Roi des Pirates. Ce qui le rend si unique, c'est son énorme détermination et son optimisme sans limites, qui inspirent ceux qui l'entourent et attirent de nombreux alliés à sa cause.

Luffy possède le pouvoir du fruit du Gomu Gomu, qui rend son corps élastique, lui permettant ainsi d'étendre ses membres et d'augmenter sa force pour surmonter les obstacles physiques et les adversaires redoutables. Avec les Mugiwara, ils forment l'équipage de pirates le plus craint du Nouveau Monde.

His empathetic nature drives him to defend the oppressed and fight injustice, making him a hero at heart. Throughout his adventures, Luffy never loses sight of his goal. He's a true role model of perseverance, teaching young viewers the importance of following one's dreams, no matter what the challenges.

Luffy the main character of One Piece

Roronoa Zoro: The pirate hunter

Roronoa Zoro, nicknamed the Pirate Hunter, was the first to join Monkey D. Luffy's adventure. As Luffy's right-hand man, Zoro is not only a pillar of physical strength, but also a strong symbol of loyalty and honor. His exceptional mastery of the three-sword fighting style, a technique he has perfected over the years, makes him a formidable adversary.

His duels, often against formidable foes, are among the most memorable moments in the series. Zoro aspires to become the world's greatest swordsman, a goal that drives him to overcome almost insurmountable challenges. It's a testament to his incredible determination and strict sense of personal honor.

Roronoa Zoro the One Piece character

Nami : The thieving cat

Nami, la navigatrice talentueuse de l'équipage du chapeau de paille, joue un rôle indispensable dans le succès des voyages maritimes du groupe. Très intelligente, elle a un certain talent pour la cartographie et la météorologie, ce qui la rend capable de lire le temps et les mers comme personne. Nami n'est pas seulement une stratège habile, c'est aussi un personnage riche en émotions, dû à son passé turbulent.

Nami is very clever, so she's very useful when it comes to negotiating or resolving conflicts. She helps the crew a lot with her strategic ideas. Her evolution from thief to outstanding navigator shows just how intelligent and important she is to the story.

Nami the One Piece character

Usopp: King of the snipers

Usopp, sniper of the Straw Hat crew, is a character who embodies personal development and courage... against all odds. Initially presented as a compulsive liar and coward, Usopp evolves throughout the series. His creativity and ingenuity in making and using a variety of projectiles make him indispensable in tactical confrontations.

His courage is marked by moments when, despite fear, he stands up for his friends and his beliefs. This evolution underlines not only his personal development, but also his role in the crew. Usopp brings a touch of humor to the pirates' adventures.

Usopp the One Piece character

Sanji : The black leg

Sanji, the crew's charismatic cook, has a much more important role than just preparing meals. His world-class culinary skills ensure the crew's well-being and vigor, crucial to their survival at sea. But Sanji is also an excellent fighter, mainly using his legs to deliver powerful blows... thus preserving his hands for cooking.

His moral code, which forbids him to strike a woman under any circumstances, and his devotion to his friends show a man of honor and principle. And with his irresistible charm, Sanji is indispensable as the moral and physical pillar of the crew.

Sanji the One Piece character

Tony Tony Chopper: The blue-nosed reindeer

Tony Tony Chopper, the lovable and devoted doctor of the Straw Hat crew, is a reindeer who ate the Hito Hito fruit. This has given him human abilities and the ability to communicate and interact like a human. Chopper is not only the tender heart of the crew, he's also a caregiver whose medical skills have saved his friends on numerous occasions.

His journey from ostracized reindeer to respected doctor shows his vital importance to the crew, even if it wasn't easy at first. His curiosity about medicine and his innocent nature make him even more determined in the face of his adversaries.

Tony tony chopper the One Piece character

Nico Robin: The demonic child

Nico Robin, l'archéologue mystérieuse et intelligente de l'équipage, joue un rôle important dans la quête de Luffy. En tant que seule personne capable de lire les Poneglyphes (les artefacts anciens qui détiennent les secrets de l'histoire du monde), son existence même est une menace pour le Gouvernement Mondial.

Robin doesn't just seek to uncover the world's buried secrets to satisfy her own curiosity. She's determined to reveal the real story, a quest that could change the world. Her integrity, high intelligence and the mystery that surrounds her make her a key One Piece character, with revelations that often defy expectations.

Nico Robin the One Piece character

Portgas D. Ace: Ace with burning fists

Portgas D. Ace is the spiritual brother of Monkey D. Luffy and true son of Gol D. Roger, the legendary King of the Pirates. Proud and charismatic, Ace has crossed the seas in search of his own path, making him a respected commander of the second division of Whitebeard's crew. He is fully committed to protecting his loved ones and pursuing his convictions, despite the risks involved.

The Marineford Arc, in which he sacrifices himself, is a crucial moment in One Piece, but above all teaches the importance of family, whether chosen or biological. Ace, with his confident smile and protective nature, remains a central character, whose legacy inspires Luffy and many other characters.

Portgas D Ace the One Piece character

Members of the One Piece crew

Each member of the Straw Hat crew (also known as the Mugiwara) is important and brings his or her own touch to the One Piece story. Without them, the pirates' adventures wouldn't be the same, even though they're not at the forefront of the story. Oda has created characters each more unique than the last, and that's why they contribute to the group's success throughout their quest.

Brook: The singer

Brook the One Piece character

Brook, the skeleton musician, meets the crew in a strange and moving context, as he floats alone on a ghost ship. He's a talented musician who can play music that soothes the soul. But he's also a formidable fighter, thanks to his powers acquired from the demon fruit Yomi Yomi no Mi. So he has a special place among the Mugiwara.

Franky : The cyborg

Franky the One Piece character

Originally the leader of a wrecking gang in Water 7, Franky was transformed into a key member of the crew after helping them build their new ship, the Thousand Sunny. His decision to join Luffy and his group came after a series of dramatic events and ties formed with the Mugiwara. As carpenter, Franky's role is to maintain and improve the Thousand Sunny.

Jinbe: The sea paladin

Jinbe the One Piece character

Jinbe, ancien membre des Sept Grands Corsaires, a fait sa première apparition dans One Piece bien avant de rejoindre officiellement les Mugiwara. Il intègre officiellement l'équipage du chapeau de paille après avoir joué un rôle crucial lors de l'Arc de Marineford. L'homme-poisson a prouvé sa loyauté et son alignement avec leurs idéaux en partageant de nombreuses aventures avec Luffy et ses amis.

Former members

A number of characters have left their mark on the history of the One Piece crew, even though they are no longer active members. These include:

Nefertari Vivi: Miss wednesday

Nefertari Vivi the One Piece character

Nefertari Vivi, Princess of Alabasta, joined Luffy's crew to seek help in saving her kingdom. Throughout her journey with the Mugiwara, Vivi acted as a diplomat, using her wisdom and eloquence to help resolve conflicts and create alliances. She decided to stay behind to govern her people, demonstrating her commitment to her royal responsibilities.

Karoo: The super mallard

Karoo the One Piece character

Karoo or Kaloo, Vivi's fast duck and loyal companion, also shared the crew's adventures. Although mainly a comic character and a quick means of transport for Vivi, Karoo showed courage in critical moments. This helped Luffy's companions on their missions and provided welcome levity during tense moments.

Crew ships

Ships play an essential role in our pirates' adventures. They're not just means of transport, but full-fledged members of the crew, each with its own personality and history.

Going Merry

Going Merry in One Piece

The Going Merry was the first ship of the Straw Hat crew, a gift from Kaya to Usopp and his friends. This ship was the scene of many early adventures, carrying the pirates through perilous seas and legendary battles. The Merry played a crucial role as a home for the Mugiwara during this period. The circumstances of her departure, with a poignant farewell from the crew, marked the series, symbolizing the end of one era and the beginning of a new one.

Thousand Sunny

Thousand Sunny in One Piece

The Thousand Sunny is the crew's current ship, designed and built by Franky, who has incorporated all his knowledge as a carpenter. The ship boasts unique features and advanced technologies, such as the cola propulsion system and powerful defensive weapons. The Sunny is not just a ship. It is an embodiment of the spirit and ambition of the Straw Hats, carrying them through the most dangerous and risky challenges.

Friends of the One Piece crew

During their many adventures, the crew of the Straw Hat formed alliances and friendships crucial to their survival and victories. These relationships, often born of extraordinary circumstances, provided indispensable support in many a battle.

Boa Hancock: The Pirate Empress

Boa Hancock the One Piece character

Boa Hancock, known as the Empress of Amazon Island, first appears in One Piece as an enemy. But when she meets Luffy, she falls in love with him and completely changes sides, becoming one of his greatest allies. Her love for the King of Pirates led her to help him escape from the ultra-secure prison of Impel Down. Later, she also plays an important role during the great battle of Marineford, proving that she is truly on the side of Luffy and his friends.

Trafalgar Law: The surgeon of death

Trafalgar Law the One Piece character

Trafalgar Law, the mysterious captain of the Heart Pirates, is a One Piece character known for his reserve and intelligence. He acts as a quiet force. He forms a strategic alliance with Luffy during the Dressrosa arc, to overthrow the tyrannical Doflamingo. Law and Luffy combine forces in a series of complicated battles, highlighting their complementary nature as allies. Trafalgar Law, with his calmness and intellect, becomes a crucial character in Luffy's quest.

Shanks : Le Roux

Shanks the redhead the One Piece character

Captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Shanks le Roux is a key character in One Piece. His early encounter with Luffy will be decisive in the future King of the Pirates' career, as Shanks will inspire the young boy. He teaches Luffy the values of courage, justice and the meaning of the straw hat, which becomes a central symbol of his identity and dreams.

His intervention in the war at the top of Marineford proves his influence and power, where he plays a key role in bringing the conflict to an end. Shanks continues to monitor Luffy's progress from afar, confirming his role as a caring and protective mentor despite their separation.

Silvers Rayleigh: The King of Darkness

Silvers Rayleigh

Silvers Rayleigh, known as theformer second-in-command to the legendary King of Pirates Gol D. Roger, played a crucial role in preparing Luffy for the challenges of the New World. During the two-year hiatus in the series, Rayleigh served as Luffy's mentor, training him rigorously to improve his control of Haki. This intense training prepared Luffy and indirectly his crew for riskier adventures and more formidable adversaries.

Sabo : No.2 in the Revolutionary Army

Sabo the One Piece character

Sabo, le frère de cœur de Luffy, fait une réapparition dramatique après avoir été considéré comme mort. En tant que chef d'état-major de l'Armée Révolutionnaire, son rôle est vital. Sa rencontre avec Luffy lors de la bataille de Dressrosa est un moment fort de l'histoire. Lors de cet arc, Sabo hérite du pouvoir du Fruit du Mera Mera no Mi, précédemment possédé par leur défunt frère Ace. Cela renforce les liens familiaux qui unissent les deux frères.

Whitebeard: The father

Whitebeard the character from One Piece

Whitebeard, real name Edward Newgate, is a legend among pirates, often referred to as "the father" for his benevolent treatment of his crew. Although an antagonist to the government world, he becomes an indirect ally of Luffy during the War at the Top, where he fights not only to save Ace, but also to defend pirate honor against the abuses of the World Government. Whitebeard's imposing stature and kind heart show that a pirate can also be a man of principle.

Marco : The Phoenix

Marco the One Piece character

Marco the Phoenix is commander of the first division of Whitebeard's crew. Thanks to the Phoenix Demon Fruit, he can heal any wound, making him a valuable ally in battle. During the Battle of Marineford, Marco plays an essential role in protecting Luffy and helping to coordinate allied forces against the Navy. His commitment to Whitebeard's crew and his exemplary bravery make him a key ally in the most critical moments.

Bartolomeo: The cannibal

Bartolomeo the character from One Piece

Bartolomeo, leader of the Barto Club Pirates, has boundless admiration for Luffy and his crew. His role during the Arc of Dressrosa is particularly notable. Thanks to his unique barrier-creating powers, Bartolomeo protects Luffy and his companions in critical moments.

One Piece's antagonists

In One Piece, antagonists play a crucial role, not only posing challenges to the Straw Hat crew, but also helping them to develop. Each adversary tests the limits of our heroes and pushes the plot to new horizons.

East Blue Saga

Baggy the Clown (Baggy's bow)

Baggy the Clown the character from One Piece

Baggy, a former companion of Shanks, reveals himself as a comical but dangerous enemy. His first appearance poses a significant challenge to Luffy, marking the beginning of many future encounters.

Captain Kuro (Syrup Village Arc)

Captain Kuro the One Piece character

Kuro, with his Machiavellian plan to control Syrup Village, introduces a level of treachery and strategy that tests the intelligence and resilience of Luffy's crew.

Don Krieg (Baratie Arch)

Don Krieg the One Piece character

Don Krieg, known for his brutality, attempts to conquer the floating restaurant Baratie. His aggressive approach forces Luffy to adapt to a fight against a heavily armed opponent.

Arlong (Arc d'Arlong)

Arlong the One Piece character

Arlong represents a deeply personal threat, especially to Nami. His cruelty to her and her village underlines the brutal antagonists Luffy must overcome to help his friends.

    Grand Line and New World

    Crocodile (Alabasta Arch)

    Crocodile the One Piece character

    Crocodile, with his ambitions to overthrow Alabasta, presents a major challenge. His defeat by Luffy marks a crucial step in Luffy's growth as a leader.

    Rob Lucci (Arc d'Enies Lobby)

    Rob Lucci the One Piece character

    Lucci, ruthless and powerful, offers intense emotional and physical combat. This fight is crucial for Luffy, testing his limits and strengthening his resolve.

    Gecko Moria (Arc de Thriller Bark)

    Gecko Moria the One Piece character

    Moria, using shadows to increase his power, embodies a unique type of antagonist. His defeat sheds light on the risks and costs of Luffy's quest.

    Marshall D. Teach alias Blackbeard (Impel Down and Marineford Arc)

    Marshall D Teach the character from One Piece

    Teach manipulates and betrays his way to power, playing a key role in the war at the top and having a lasting impact on the One Piece universe.

    Don Quijote Doflamingo (Dressrosa Arch)

    Doflamingo the One Piece character

    Doflamingo, with his tyrannical control of Dressrosa and links to the black market, challenges the crew on several levels, forcing Luffy to fight not just for victory but for justice.

    Kaido (Wano Arch)

    Kaido the One Piece character

    Kaido, presented as an almost insurmountable obstacle, tests every member of Luffy's crew. His raw power and tyrannical rule over Wano are significant barriers to their quest for freedom and adventure.

    Dracule Mihawk (Baratie and Marineford Arc)

    Dracule Mihawk the One Piece character

    Dracule Mihawk, nicknamed Hawkeye, is the world's greatest swordsman and a former member of the Magnificent Seven Corsairs. Mihawk, with his gothic allure and unflappable calm, tests the limits of the best swordsmen. In the series, he's more arespected antagonist than a true enemy. He is particularly important to Zoro's personal development.

      Other antagonists

      Enel (Skypiea Arc)

      Enel the One Piece character

      Enel, proclaiming himself a god, uses his electrical powers to rule Skypiea with the intention of destroying it. His delusions of grandeur and tyrannical control pose a unique kind of threat, testing the resilience and ingenuity of Luffy's crew.

      Charlotte Linlin (Arc of Whole Cake Island)

      Charlotte Linlin the One Piece character

      Charlotte Linlin alias Big Mom, une des quatre empereurs de la mer, domine par la terreur avec des objectifs familiaux complexes et une obsession pour le contrôle. Sa quête pour obtenir tous les types de créatures vivantes sous son règne et sa gestion d'une famille énorme et dysfonctionnelle rendent son arc à la fois intimidant et captivant.

      Sakazuki (Marineford Arch)

      Sakazuki the One Piece character

      Formerly known as Akainu, Sakazuki is a key antagonist as the Navy's current Chief Admiral. His ruthless vision of "absolute justice" leads him to take extreme measures that often defy traditional morality. This will push the protagonists into their most difficult moral dilemmas and battles.

      Imu (Arc Rêverie)

      Imu Sama the One Piece character

      Imu is the mysterious figure at the top of the World Government. In the Rêverie arc, we learn that he is the ultimate authority behind many of the major events in the world. His very existence is kept secret from the general public. Imu embodies a subtle but extremely powerful enemy, manipulating events from the shadows.

      Aokiji (Arc Long Ring Long Land)

      Aokiji the One Piece character

      Aokiji, also known as Kazan, is an ex-Navy admiral known for his ice power and nonchalant temperament. Although initially seen as an antagonist during the Long Ring Long Land arc, his philosophy of "lazy justice" makes him sympathetic at times. After leaving the Navy following his duel with Akainu, Aokiji navigates a gray area, occasionally collaborating with dark forces.

      Kizaru (Sabaody bow)

      Kizaru the character from One Piece

      Kizaru aka Borsalino, known for his lightning speed and casual attitude, is a Navy admiral who embodies justice. With his power of the Demon Fruit Pika Pika no Mi, he is virtually unbeatable in combat. Kizaru plays a key role in battles against pirates, always ready to carry out the orders of the World Government with his enigmatic smile.

      Les Cinq Doyens (Arc Post-Enies Lobby and Arc Rêverie)

      Five Doyens One Piece characters

      The Five Elders, or Gorosei, are the political leaders of the World Government and surely the most mysterious characters in One Piece. Rarely seen in action, these five old men influence the biggest decisions. Their management of world affairs, often ruthless and sombre, makes them high-level antagonists.

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        Which One Piece character are you?

        In this article, we've introduced you to the key characters of One Piece, each playing a vital role in the evolution of the story. Whether through the adversities posed by antagonists or the support of allies, each character enriches the quest of Luffy and his crew. Which character impressed you the most, and why? Tell us all about it in comments 😊

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