
The ultimate list of all Pokémon Characters

The ultimate list of Pokemon characters

Toi aussi tu as grandi dans l’univers de Pokémon et tu échangeais tes cartes à la cour de récré ? (Jamais les brillantes, évidemment !) Tu as besoin d’une piqûre de rappel concernant tous les personnages emblématiques, qu’ils soient issus du manga, de l’animé ou des jeux ? Tu es au bon endroit ! Dans cet article, nous allons (re)découvrir ensemble les personnages principaux de la série créée par Satoshi Tajiri.

Pokémon characters in manga

The Pokémon manga, also known as Pocket Monsters Special, features a wide range of characters. Among the most popular arcs, of course, is the one concerning the adventures of two trainers from the Kanto region, Red and Blue, who set out to meet the challenge of the Pokémon League.

Au fil de l’aventure, Red et Blue (qui sont initialement deux rivaux), se retrouvent à devoir unir leurs forces afin de vaincre la Team Rocket. Cette dernière étant une organisation criminelle qui exploite les Pokémons. C’est bien plus tard dans le manga qu’intervient Green, une jeune fille mystérieuse qui rejoint le groupe de nos deux dresseurs préférés.

Together, the three heroes face many challenges. Red is given the task of helping Professor Chen capture Mewtwo, or rescuing a damsel in distress from wild Pokémon in the Jade Forest. Eventually, everyone goes their separate ways. The arc ends with Red's stunning victory over Blue in the Pokémon League Championship. This Pokémon duel between the two rivals remains one of the saga's most memorable moments.


Red is the main character of the Pokémon manga, adapted to the playable character of the video games. This ambitious youngster from Bourg Palette dreams of becoming the best Pokémon trainer in the world. Throughout his adventures, Red battles the forces of Team Rocket and eventually wins the Pokémon League, becoming the reigning Champion. His main Pokémon team includes Firecracker, Tortank and Pikachu.

Red in the Pokemon manga


Blue is Red's manga rival. Grandson of Professor Chen, Blue often boasts of having beaten Team Rocket, even though Red calls him to order by reminding him that he was scared to death. Blue is a talented trainer who eventually loses out to Red in the Pokémon League championship. His main Pokémon team includes Tortank (Carapuce), Roucarnage and Alakazam.

Blue in the Pokemon manga


Green is a Pokémon trainer from Bourg Palette, like the main characters Red and Blue. She was initially part of the trio of trainers sent by Professor Chen to complete the Pokédex. In the "Red and Blue" arc, Green is described as a mischievous, cunning young girl who doesn't hesitate to use manipulation to achieve her goals.

However, she gradually develops friendships with Red and Blue. In the "Fire Red and Leaf Green" arc, Green is 16 years old and is now described as a fashion enthusiast, adoring accessories such as earrings and shoes. Her main Pokémon team includes Totor (Carapuce), Doudou (Rondoudou) and Momorph (Nidorina).

Green in the Pokemon manga

Professor Chen

Professor Samuel Chen is a renowned Pokémon researcher from the Kanto region. It is he who gives Red and Blue their starting Pokémon for their journey. Professor Chen plays a key role in the capture of the legendary Pokémon: Mewtwo.

Professor Chen in the Pokemon manga

Team Rocket

Team Rocket 's criminal activities include stealing rare Pokémon, illegally experimenting on Pokémon and attempting to take over the Pokémon League. They pose a constant threat to the protagonists throughout the series. Red and his friends find themselves facing Team Rocket's henchmen on several occasions. Team Rocket is a major obstacle in Red's path to becoming Pokémon League Champion.


Jessie from Team Rocket in the Pokemon manga

Jessie is a Team Rocket agent from a poor family who couldn't fulfill her dreams. Her mother was one of Team Rocket's most brilliant agents. Jessie is known for her explosive personality and her love of beautiful clothes. She forms a duo with James.


James of Team Rocket in the Pokemon manga

James is Jessie's partner in Team Rocket. Born into a wealthy family, he ran away to join the criminal organization. James is more thoughtful and composed than Jessie, but just as determined to capture Pikachu. He owns many Pokémon, including a Sulfura.


Miaouss from Team Rocket in the Pokemon manga

Miaouss is Team Rocket's most famous and most important Pokémon in the anime. Able to speak the human language, Miaouss is often mocked by Jessie and James for his repeated failures. Despite this, he remains a loyal ally of the duo.


Giovanni from Team Rocket in the Pokemon manga

Giovanni is the leader and founder of Team Rocket. He is an ambitious man who dreams of world domination through the power of Pokémon. He has been repeatedly defeated by Sasha and his friends. After the dissolution of Team Rocket, Giovanni tries to rebuild it with the help of new henchmen.

The commanders

Team Rocket commanders in the Pokemon manga

In the Gold and Silver arc, Team Rocket is led by four Commanders: Ariane, Lambda, Lance and Amos. Their aim is to collect the 16 Pokémon type plates to control Arceus and bring Giovanni back to power. They'll do anything to achieve their goal, even if it means killing each other.

Arena champions

Champions of Kanto

  • Pierre (Argenta): A Rock-type specialist, Pierre is the first Arena Champion Red faces in the manga. He owns a Racaillou and an Onix.
  • Ondine (Azuréa): A champion of the water type, Ondine uses a Stari and a Staross. She appears as a rival to Red in the manga.
  • Auguste (Celadopole): Champion of the plant type, Auguste helps Red capture Mewtwo in a special arc.
  • Giovanni (Jadielle): Although he doesn't specialize in any particular type, Giovanni is a formidable trainer. He's also the leader of Team Rocket.

Champions from other regions

  • Lino (Hoenn): Champion of the Clémenti-Ville arena, Lino uses steel-type Pokémon.
  • Lem (Kalos): Champion of the Relifac-le-Haut arena, Lem specializes in the Electrik type.
  • Astera (Galar): Champion of the Melétan Arena, Astera handles Darkness-type Pokémon.

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Pokémon characters in the animated series

The Pokémon animated series introduced such iconic characters as Sacha, Pikachu and their friends. Follow their adventures through the different seasons of the series, where they cross paths with trainers, arena champions and members of Team Rocket.

Main characters

Sacha (Satoshi)

Sacha, or Satoshi in Japanese, is the main character in the Pokémon animated series. Originally from Bourg Palette, his dream is to become a Pokémon Master. From the very start of his adventures, he receives a Pikachu, which quickly becomes his most loyal companion, despite a difficult relationship at first.

Sacha is known for his unfailing determination, courage and competitive spirit. Over the seasons, he has crossed many regions, taken part in various tournaments and challenges, and made friends with other trainers. He's always striving to learn and improve, and is a true role model for many young viewers.

Sacha, the main character of Pokémon


Pikachu, the electric Pokémon, is not only Sacha's partner but also the official mascot of the Pokémon franchise. Known for his electrified red cheeks and adorable cry, Pikachu is both powerful in battle and affectionate towards his trainer. He symbolizes friendship and loyalty.


Jessie, James and Miaouss

Jessie, James and Miaouss, the comical members of Team Rocket, are determined to capture Sacha's Pikachu. Despite their often-failed plans, they add humor and levity to the series. Their unique dynamic and unwavering perseverance make them iconic antagonists and fan favorites.

Jesse James and Miaouss from Team Rocket in the Pokémon series

Pierre (Takeshi)

Stone in Pokémon

Pierre, or Takeshi in Japanese, is one of Sacha's traveling companions, specializing in Rock-type Pokémon. He is the oldest member of the group and aspires to become an eminent Pokémon Doctor. Pierre is also the group's pragmatic manager and cook, bringing balance and care to his friends.

Ondine (Kasumi)

Ondine in Pokémon

Ondine, known as Kasumi in Japan, is a water-type Pokémon trainer. She joins Sacha at the start of his adventure, after Sacha borrows his bike. She is determined and sometimes stubborn, and serves as champion at the Celadopole Arena. Her fighting spirit inspires young trainers.

Secondary characters

Agent Jenny

Agent Jenny in Pokémon

Agent Jenny is an emblematic figure in every city of the Pokémon world. Their mission is to maintain order... much like the police. While each Jenny shares a striking resemblance and dedication to the law, their surnames vary. Their presence is omnipresent in the series.

Nurse Joëlle

Nurse Joelle in Pokémon

Nurse Joëlle cares for injured Pokémon at Pokémon Centers in every city. Identical in every facility, her constant kindness and medical expertise are a mainstay for traveling Pokémon trainers. Nurse Joëlle guarantees the health and recovery of their companions.

Pokémon teachers

Professor Chen in Pokémon

Pokémon Professors, such as Professor Chen, Professor Platane and Professor Keteleeria, are the scholars who study Pokémon. They provide valuable advice and starter Pokémon for new trainers. They play a crucial role in the education and skill development of the young heroes.

Arena Champions

Arena Champions are elite trainers who test the skills of aspiring Pokémon Masters in specialized battles. Each champion, mastering a specific type of Pokémon, presents a unique challenge and a crucial step in each trainer's career. Victory over these champions is not only proof of skill and strategy, but also an essential step towards competing in the Pokémon League, where the greatest trainers compete against each other.


Rivals, such as Régis, Harrison and Alain, are other trainers who cross the hero's path and regularly challenge him. Each rival has his or her own motivations and strategies, pushing the hero to constantly improve. These confrontations are crucial to the development of Sacha's fighting skills. Each rival brings a new perspective and new challenges that enrich the plot and stimulate the main character's personal and professional growth.

Pokémon characters in video games

Pokémon video games feature characters that players can Custom, as well as numerous non-playable characters (NPCs). Each region has its own arena champions, legendary trainers and memorable antagonists.

First generation

Pokémon Red and Blue

In Pokémon Red and Blue, players choose between a male or female character and battle their rival, Régis. They meet allies such as Professor Chen, battle arena leaders and oppose Team Rocket. Available starters include Bulbizarre, Salamèche and Carapuce.

Pokémon Yellow

Pokémon Yellow follows a similar pattern with a choice of player character, with Pikachu as the obligatory starter. Players face the same rival, benefit from the help of Professor Chen, and challenge the same arena champions while battling Team Rocket as their main antagonist.

Video game Pokemon Blue and Red

Second generation

Pokémon Gold and Silver

In Pokémon Gold and Silver, players can choose between a male or female character and meet a new rival. They receive one of the starters: Germignon, Héricendre or Kaiminus. They face the arena champions of Johto and battle the renewed Team Rocket.

Pokémon Crystal

Pokémon Crystal adds more depth with the same playable characters and starters as in Gold and Silver. The game also introduces encounters with Suicune as a key element of the story and continues confrontations with Team Rocket, while offering additional arena challenges.

Video game Pokemon Silver and Gold

Third generation

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Players choose between a hero or heroine and receive one of three starting Pokémon: Arcko, Poussifeu, or Gobou. They face their rival, Hoenn's arena champions, and battle the antagonistic organization, Team Aqua or Team Magma, depending on the version.

Pokémon Emerald

Pokémon Emerald combines elements of Ruby and Sapphire, taking on both Team Aqua and Team Magma. Players choose from the same characters and starters, meet key allies, and challenge arena champions enriched with a new Battle Frontier challenge.

Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green

These remakes of Pokémon Red and Blue allow players to relive the classic adventures with either male or female characters. They battle the same Team Rocket, the same arena champions, and choose between the three original starters, while discovering graphical and gameplay updates.

Video game Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire

Fourth generation

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, players choose a male or female character, take on rival Tanguy, and collaborate with Professor Sorbier. They challenge Sinnoh's arena champions and take on Team Galaxy. Starters include Tortipouss, Ouisticram and Tiplouf.

Pokémon Platinum

Pokémon Platinum features characters similar to Diamond and Pearl, with plot enhancements. Players encounter Giratina in a parallel dimension while battling Team Galaxy. Arena champions are identical, with increased challenges. Starters remain Tortipouss, Ouisticram and Tiplouf.

Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Black and White introduce modern playable characters with rival choices between Cheren and Bianca, and the help of Professor Keteleeria. Arena champions vary between Unys, and the main antagonists are Team Plasma. Starting Pokémon are Vipélierre, Gruikui and Moustillon.

Video game Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Fifth generation

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

In these sequels, players still choose between a hero or heroine and face a new rival, competing across Unys with renewed arena champions. Team Plasma returns as the antagonist. Starters include Vipélierre, Gruikui and Moustillon.

Pokémon X and Y

Pokémon X and Y, set in the French-inspired region of Kalos, offer players a choice of character and a diverse set of rivals. Arena champions are varied, and Team Flare is the main antagonist. Starting Pokémon are Marisson, Feunnec, and Grenousse.

Video game Pokemon Black 2 and White 2

Sixth generation

Pokémon Ruby Omega and Sapphire Alpha

These remakes of Ruby and Sapphire offer players a choice of male or female characters, along with their rival Timmy. Professor Seko assists players, who challenge Hoenn's arena champions and face Team Aqua or Magma. Starters include Arcko, Poussifeu and Gobou.

Pokémon Ultra-Sun and Ultra-Moon

In Pokémon Ultra-Sun and Ultra-Moon, players can choose between a hero or heroine and befriend their rival, Tili. They take part in Alola's Captain's Trials, rather than traditional arena battles, and face off against Team Rainbow Rocket. Starters are Brindibou, Flamiaou and Otaquin.

Video game Pokemon Ruby Omega and Sapphire Alpha

Seventh generation

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Pokémon Sword and Shield introduces a British-inspired region, Galar, with playable characters and rivals like Tarrak. Players take on the challenge of Galar's arena champions and take on Team Yell. Starting Pokémon are Flambino, Larméléon and Ouistempo.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, set in an open region inspired by Spain, players choose their avatar and meet rival Nemza. They explore freely to challenge the "Arena Masters" and battle the antagonistic organization, Team Star. Starters include Poussacha, Coiffeton and Croâporal.

Video game Pokemon Sword and Shield


Whether you grew up swapping Pokémon cards at recess or are just discovering this rich and captivating universe, we hope this article has brought back fond childhood memories. From Red and Blue roaming Kanto to the new generation of trainers exploring Galar or the Spanish-inspired region, every character, every rival and every antagonist enriches the Pokémon adventure.

As you continue or begin your journey, remember that every Pokémon and every trainer you meet along the way helps to forge the legend you're writing. Stay curious and ready to take on any challenge, because the Pokémon world is vast and full of surprises to discover!

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